

LIBrary as online Educational Repository Techniques in European Community pre- schools

EU Programme ERASMUS PLUS KA2 Strategic Partnership for Innovation


The Libertec Project

The Libertec Project

Libertec is a project that aims to raise awareness of digital skills and patics in pre-school services from 0 to 6 years. The core idea is to try to identify and offer pedagogical documentation in a digitised way, as educational activities can be clear, transferable and easily identifiable.
LIBERTEC is the result of 3 years of scientific reflection and work on the issues regarding both high quality-inclusive ECEC and 0-6 Services modernization, that found in the recent Covid emergency a hastening trigger. The ECEC Services tackled the challenge launched by the pandemic to the whole Education system to rapidly adapt themselves, their daily routine and educational strategies, finding in ICTs useful solutions. Recurring to remote work and online meetings for the educational pool and the organization of distance activities (where possible) such as videos, readings aloud and songs for children accelerated the ECEC technological transformation: never as now the digital responsiveness of the 0-6 Services has been fundamental.

Therefore, being able to manage distance educational interventions and to carry out their pedagogical coordination thanks to high digitally skilled staff became indispensable, beyond representing an essential requirement to raise ECEC quality and inclusiveness. LIBERTEC wants to give a concrete response to this need through the development of a digitized pedagogical documentation system aimed to raise digital readiness, quality of educational and organizational
Services’ work, as well as their external relations’ efficacy


A Concept of Digitisation


The adoption of a digitized documentation system can support ECEC operators in their commitments, that are increasingly complex due to the steadily evolving educational methodologies, the updating of legislations and to the change of rules to manage and document daily work, that could require also remote-work. An effective and standardized documentation, especially if digitized, can become a methodological and pedagogical strength for the Services as it allows to organize/save files and materials to make the data collection-storing a norm.

Internal procedures, educational strategies and activities and all the useful materials can be easily catalogued, systematized and made quickly transferable and usable in daily work by educators and pedagogical coordinators, giving to all the internal operators the same working structure and contents. Concerning the users, the families can be involved more transparently in their children school life through the effective access to clear pedagogical documentation, also enhancing mutual trust with the Service, while children can gain further opportunities to develop their social and cognitive skills.
Thanks to the digitized documentary practice – done e.g. by video-photos storing, educative products’ preservation, activities’ traceability- they will be able to recognize themselves and their daily life in kindergarten/preschool.
The entrance at systemic level of a standard digitized repository for management procedures and pedagogical strategies can also facilitate the institutional parts in a better work-checking and in controlling the accomplishment of the due
administrative requirements. High quality ECEC – together with the modernization of 0-6 Services – constitutes the ideal fil rouge of LIBERTEC as well as its main final goal.

Working on this theme means contribute to sustain social cohesion and inclusion dynamics through education since its earliest stages in several ways (e.g. they can serve as meeting space for families and contribute to develop children language competences, both in the Service’s language and first language).

Moreover, the Covid emergency relighted the public debate on importance of adequate and inclusive ECEC systems,revealing its consequences on children, family wellbeing and female employment. High quality Services can contribute to break the cycle of disadvantage among children (boosting also female employment) and to help them in acquiring/developing abilities whose benefits can be seen beyond childhood into later educational and life achievements.


Project Implementation

The project activities are conducted within the following overall project phases:

Activity and steps


Libertec wants to identify the guidelines for digitising the document chain in schools and services 0-6. The work of the project has several phases, which are summarised below:

  1. Mapping of the already used pedagogical practices of the partner schools. 
  2. Qualitative analysis and focus goup to survey the digital practices already developed and to measure the level of digitisation of teachers. 
  3. Exchange of pedagogical practices and the level of digitisation among the partners. 
  4. Drafting of guidelines for proper pedagogical digitisation.


This work will be carried out by each partner and verified quarterly with both face-to-face meetings and online meting. Furthermore, in July 2023, an exchange between operators with in-presence training activities is planned.


Project Objectives

Below we look in detail at the general and specific objectives of the project and how they can increase the quality of 0teaching in 0-6 year old schools and services.

Project objectives

While in ECEC there is a wide debate on issues such as routines and traditional or experimental pedagogy, we believe that discussing on correct pedagogical documentation is essential to pursue its high quality, especially if it entails to resort to ICT and –consequently– to provide educators adequate digital skills to deal with daily assignments. LIBERTEC aims to improve the quality of 0-6 Educational Services working on their modernization and on operators’ competences upgrade.

It will be done developing specific GUIDELINES (R1) reporting the best European educational practices for the 0-6 age range and an innovative model to perform the traditional documentation of daily pedagogical/management work. Through the LIBERTEC project, partners expect to:

1) Create the model for digitized pedagogical documentation

Create the model for digitized pedagogical documentation focused on standards and needs of school facilities for 0-6 children. The model will be drawn by specific GUIDELINES (R1) and a tailored package of digital competences for operators to perform the documentary task and to manage: remote team-work (if needed), possible distance educational activities and relations with families and third parties. The specific skills’ package will be designed taking into account the European Digital Competence Framework for Educators.

(DigCompEdu), to enable operators to: – effectively interact within the Services and with users (internal sharingtransferability, access, transparency, security/privacy); – use and/or design educative digital resources (according to features/limits and possible specific needs per each age group); – evaluate/adapt the educational strategies and/or the internal management procedures. 

2) Sustain sharing of good pedagogical and management practices in use in partner

Countries aimed to early childhood (kindergarten, preschools, other services for 0-6 children) and promoting their highlighting, for a proper collection. The GUIDELINES – indeed – will be developed starting from the analysis of daily practices, already adopted by the partners, but not formally detected and recognized. These practices will be renewed by applying ICT potentialities and completed by the skills required to operators. R1 will have a strongly operational character, including a set of pedagogic and management tools, activities and strategies that can be applied by educators to improve their daily assignments, especially those referred to documentary task.

Three main activities are considered fundamental in EU early childhood schools: 

1) Management of daily routines; 

2) Definition of play/teaching spaces; 

3) Pedagogical documentation. If the recognition and the mutual exchange on the first two issues will entail to highlight good educational practices that deserve to be shared, transferred and borrowed among ECEC organizations, the third represents the core aspect of LIBERTEC GUIDELINES. 


The digitized documentation will be actualized through a proper Digital Library: a corporate secure system to store files that can be set, managed and updated in each Service – according to the single technological asset already in use – by trained operators. The Library will store internal procedures/daily activities, supporting an easy-safe access to official work tools and documents, also paying attention to adopt proper Blockchain technology. All the achieved results will be put at disposal of all the institutions/organizations and professionals working in ECEC thanks to free OER, available from a specific website devoted to LIBERTEC (as well as from those of partner organizations). Concerning the specific pedagogical GUIDELINES’ contents a special regard will be

placed in giving relevance to all the social-emotional aspects connected with early childhood education because a full and rich educational experience can contribute to enable children to learn how to be empathic, learn about their rights, equality, tolerance and diversity, starting from the beginning of their school path.

Partner Organization & Location

Cepiss Coop

Scandicci, Italy

Centro Machiavelli

Florence, Italy


Lisbon, Portugal

Cei Pinolivo

Marbella, Spain




DOWNLOAD THE FINAL PROJECT GUIDELINES! The final project guidelines, to which all partners have contributed over the last 2 years, are ready. You can download them and...

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Multiplier Event in Rumania

Prichindel Kindergarten hosted a special event on June 6 as part of the Libertec project, dedicated to improving the digital skills of preschool educators and teachers....

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Multiplier Event in Spain

On the 6th of June, the local multiplier event of the LIBERTEC Project, organised by the Pinolivo Infant School and the University of Malaga, took place with great...

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Multiplier Event in Portugal

On May 25, 2024, the Multiplier Event entitled "LIBERTEC - A digital repository for early childhood education" was held at the João de Deus de Belas Kindergarten; the...

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Testing Phase in Italy

The testing phase in Italy involved 8 people including educators, teachers and coordinators, each representing one of the educational services managed by Cepiss. This...

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Testin Phase in Rumania

The Kindergarten "Prichindel" in Romania chose to test digitized documentation in 15 classes within the 3-6 years educational level across 2 kindergartens. The testing...

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Testing Phase in Spain

A guide was tested using a questionnaire translated into the mother tongue to ensure comprehension. The questionnaire was digitised with Google Forms and distributed at...

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Testing Phase in Portugal

The Testing Phase in Portugal was applied from 01 December 2023 to 31 May 2024 and aimed to put into practice the methodological indications provided by the LIBERTEC...

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Local workshop in Italy

The local workshops in Italy were carried out at one of our work locations "Il Kantiere - Florence". The meetings took place on 26/10/2023 and 07/11/2023. We held two...

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Local workshop in Romania

The Romanian workshop was held from 12 to 26 October 2023; three meetings were held for a total of 9 hours of work; 36 educators participated: 24 from Prichindel and 12...

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Local workshop in Portugal

The portuguese workshop was held from 27 october to 7 november 2023. There was three sessions totalizing 5 hours of work and envolved 27 educators. In the first...

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Local workshop in Spain

In October, local workshops organized by the Spanish partners of the Libertec project were held. The workshops were organized at the CEI Pinolivo center, with the aim...

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Newsletter n.2

The second newsletter of the Libertec project is ready. On 14 July at the meeting in Malaga, we validated the second newsletter of the project. The newsletter will be...

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At the second project meeting in Malaga we will present the Compendium. The Compendium is a quantitative analysis and mapping of digital skills in the 4 project...

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Libertec has started!

The LIBERTEC project is intended to promote the exchange and sharing at European level of good practices in early childhood education and care and, at the same time, to...

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Scheduled TPM

id Meeting Title Leading Organisation Country of venue Date
1 Kick-off  Cepiss and CM Florence, Italy May, 2022
2 TPM  AJEDJ Lisbon, Portugal December, 2022
3 TPM UMA and Pinolivo Malaga, Spain July, 2023
4 TPM Grădinița Prichindel Suceava, Romania October, 2023
5 TPM – Final Conference CEPISS and CM Florence, Italy June, 2024


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