Multiplier Event in Portugal
10 Giugno 2024

On May 25, 2024, the Multiplier Event entitled “LIBERTEC – A digital repository for early childhood education” was held at the João de Deus de Belas Kindergarten; the event program was held from 9.30 till 12.30.

The program included the presentation of the partnership and objectives of this project, as well as the presentation and dissemination of the guide with the LIBERTEC guidelines, which include the selection and use of apps and digital tools for Early Childhood Education.
In the second part, tablets with apps installed were made available so that, in a workshop format, educators, teachers and other guests present could learn about the work done and the experimentation of recommended apps.

The presentations of this event were presented by Professor António Ponces de Carvalho, President of the Board of Directors of the Association of Gardens-Schools João de Deus and by Dr. Jaime Santos, professor of ICT areas at ESE João de Deus. The workshops were guided by Dr. Jaime Santos, Dr. André Carvalho and Dr. Carolina Pereira, the latter two being teachers of the João de Deus dos Olivais Kindergarten-School.

This event was attended by more than 100 teachers and guests in person and more than 60 participants in remote presence; in total, more than 150 participants attended this multiplier event.


PT_Multiplier event