Associação de Jardins Escolas João de Deus (AJEJD)
Associação de Jardins Escolas João de Deus – PIC: 942 794 411 — OID: E10062835 The Associação de Jardins Escolas João de Deus (AJEJD) is a Portuguese educational institution that owns the oldest children’s school in Portugal: the 1st Jardim-Escola João de Deus in Coimbra city. Founded in 1882, it follows tradition, enhancing development values of human, cultural, scientific, lifelong and professional learning.
It owns (1) an educational network with 55 centres and schools, located all over the country, supporting learning levels aged from nursery (3 months) to 6th grade (K6) children; and (2) a higher education school Escola Superior de Educação João de Deus (HEI ESEJD), part of AJEJD educational network since 1920.
The AJEJD is supported by research, courses, practices, techniques, methodologies, training and lifelong learning proposals promoted by the HEI ESEJD and its Lifelong Learning Centre focused on educational contents.
Created, as well, in Portugal, the first course for kindergarten school educators The AJEJD is also an associated member of UNESCO Schools.
The Escola Superior de Educação João de Deus – HEI-ESEJD – ECHE Code: P LISBOA 116 (“ERASMUS CHARTER FOR – HIGHER EDUCATION 2021-2027” – 272970-EPP-1-2020-1-PT-EPPKA1-ECHE)
Founded in 1920, the ESEJD is the first school for kindergarten education professionals and, in the present, certifies educational and lifelong courses. Promoting advanced knowledge in learning process and participation in research projects, are main contributions for ESEJD students’ success.
The HEI ESEJD highlights
• The formal educational courses in Levels 5, 6 and 7 of the European Qualifying Framework (EQF);
• The research centre – Centro de Investigação e Estudos João de Deus
• The pair review research journal – Revista Científica de Educação para o Desenvolvimento;
• Lifelong learning, courses and trainee design for educational purposes
• National and international cooperation protocols;
What HE students can find at ESEJD?
• Short term professional courses (level 5) – 2 years (CTeSP – Higher Professional Diploma);
• Bachelor’s degree on Education (level 6) – 3 years (Licenciatura);
• Master’s degree on Professional Teaching for Education, especially for kindergarten, primary, k5 and k6 grades future teachers (level 7) – 2 years (Mestrado);
• Master or graduate degrees on Educational Specialities;
• Lifelong learning for teachers, under certification of national Ministry of Education.
The ESEJD mobility programs under ERASMUS CHART – ECHE Code: P LISBOA 116
• Erasmus KA1 – The mobility of higher education students practice
(2021-2027: 2022-1-PT01-KA131-HED-000054857)
• Erasmus KA2 – Partnerships for Cooperation and exchanges of practices
The AJEJD and ESEJD have learning and practice protocols with Portuguese mother tongue countries.

Museum João de Deus – Lisboa
Belas Jardim Escola João de Deus.