Centro Machiavelli
Centro Machiavelli, founded in 1978, was accredited as a consultancy and VET organization and in 2019 the accreditation has been confirmed by Tuscany Region. In 2018 CM obtained also the UNITER quality certification.
The Centre operates within EU programmes and in VET activities. In the last decade realized several multilateral and mobility projects (both as coordinator and partner) within EU Programmes like Lifelong Learning and Erasmus+. In 2012 CM obtained the European Language Label for creating an innovative software-application for an English language learning program for blind and visually impaired learners.
The Centre has two departments corresponding to its two main fields of activity: Language School for Foreigners and Training Agency. The latter, involved in this project, has been set up with the following aims:
- Promote collaboration and integration among different subjects involved in high quality education;
- Promote training paths and models of professional development, functional to local needs, which contributes to the preservation and development of innovation in very traditional sectors;
- Foster methodological and technological innovation in education and training, through the creation and testing of innovative projects;
- Promote the training of trainers, teachers and educators in general.