Cepiss cooperativa per il sociale
CEPISS coop is a social cooperative established in 1986 that manages crèches and services for 0-6, day centres for the disabled training activities and youth centres. We operate in the Metropolitan City of Florence.
For several years the cooperative has also been working on Erasmus projects and Libertec is the second applicant. Our participation in European projects is a strategy for enriching skills and exchanging practices, and Libertec represents our desire to work on pre-school ECEC services in an innovative way, addressing important issues such as the digitisation of services.
In addition to work on the 0-6 target group, we also manage services for the disabled: two day centres with educational, motor and artistic activities. With young people we work on street education, music and training activities with the management of leisure time courses and recognised courses (regional qualifications) our target group are young drop-outs, Neet, unemployed, foreigners and vulnerable young people to whom we provide educational and training courses for soft skills and for vocational guidance and orientation.