Since its foundation back in 1972, UMA has rapidly expanded its international presence and prestige. Currently, UMA has 2 campuses (1.797.247 m2), +35,700 students, +2,500 professors, +1900 administrative staff, 23 faculties and schools, 82 departments, 200 educational programmes (incl. 68 undergraduate, 74 master and 22 PhD programmes), 309 research groups, research projects (425 national / 150 EU) and +1,800 business contacts.
Regarding international relations, UMA has bilateral agreements with +945 universities from all over the world with +1,500 incoming and +1,100 outgoing exchange students per year and +100 incoming and +200 outgoing exchange staff per year.
UMA participates actively in international, national and regional as well as privately-funded programmes, all of them managed by the Office of International Relations and Cooperation. UMA is member of +100 networks and associations.
UMA stimulates educational innovation and research by boosting the quality of its professors and research groups through their participation in international research projects -managed by Research Results Transference Office (OTRI) – with the support and sponsorship of enterprises from local TechPark (PTA).
The university has a dedicated career center which fosters the employability of students and young researchers by offering a wide services portfolio including academic and professional counselling, paid internships and fellowships.
UMA meets the following quality standards: EFQM 200, EFQM 300, ISO 9001, ISO 14001. UMA is also part of the “Andalucia Tech” Campus of Excellence.
The University of Malaga is very active in ICT development and ICT-based training.

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Faculty of Education